Monday, June 28, 2010

Roll Over Oprah

When I heard that some chick-magnet in a wheelchair was in the lead to win his own show on Oprah's new network, and that much of this guy's support could be traced to 4chan, I was skeptical and a bit worried. Aren't 4chan people notorious for their mean-spirited mockery and ironic "support" for asshats who are unwittingly embarrassing themselves on the internet? I mean these are the people who brought us Rickrolling!

But then I saw the audition video:

Zach's oprah deal from Zach Anner on Vimeo.

I'd totally watch his show! I love the concept. I never watch travel shows. On the rare occasion that I do travel, I can't afford any of that ritzy shit. Show me how to have a good time when things go wrong. That's the story of my life.

Zach's idea might just be the only thing I'd watch on Oprah's network. I'm completely turned off by her endorsement of celebrity pseudo-science and bizarre woman-pandering extravagance.

I'm not quite saying that Oprah is evil, but there are rumors that she and her network are trying to fix the votes against Zach because they don't want to give a show to a person with a disability. But I know Oprah wouldn't rig the voting. She'd arrange for Zach to mysteriously disappear quietly in the night. That's the power of O.

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