Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Reading, Writing, and Teabagging

"You know tomorrow Glenn Beck’s army of zombie retirees are descending on Washington. It’s the million moron march. Although they won’t get a million of them of course because many will be confused and drive to Washington State." — Bill Maher, 9-11-2009
Crooks and Liars posted 10 lessons for teabaggers. I just had to repost them here:
  1. President Obama Cut Your Taxes
  2. The Stimulus is Working
  3. First Ronald Reagan Tripled the National Debt...
  4. ...Then George W. Bush Doubled It Again
  5. Republican States Have the Worst Health Care
  6. Medicare is a Government Program
  7. Barack Obama is Not a Muslim
  8. Barack Obama was Born in the United States
  9. 70,000 Does Not Equal 2,000,000
  10. The Economy Almost Always Does Better Under Democrats
(Visit C&L for the details of those lessons.)

I think maybe there is a connection between lesson 9 and lesson 10. If you're challenged by basic math, you probably should keep your hands off the economy.

Anyway, enough with these dumbass teabaggers. Did you know there have actually been coordinated rallies in support of health-care? I guess FOX is not equally infatuated with these people:

Notice how all their signs make sense and are on the same topic? No confusing hodgepodge of McCarthyites, birthers, Ayn Randians, 9-12ers and other crazies. Also, more of these people are smiling.

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