Friday, March 20, 2009

Keep Calm And Carry On

This British wartime poster has a strange history. It was commissioned in 1939 by the Ministry of Information as a World War II propaganda tool. However, it was never circulated. It was held back and reserved in case of a total crisis -- like if the Germans invaded.

But the poster with the calm message was rediscovered in 2001 by the co-owner of a Northumberland bookshop, and now demand for the stoic message reprinted on posters, mugs, aprons, and mouse pads seems endless.

I guess that says a lot about our financial crisis. This global depression is hitting us like a great war, and we need a message from the king to strengthen our resolve... Although I'm relieved to know that people still have money to burn on chintzy souvenirs.

I'm also struck by the stark contrast between yesteryear's soothing message and today's cries to fear, panic, and freak out.

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