Monday, February 09, 2009

Kindle 2

Ahh... I'm like one of those kids in A Christmas Story gazing into the toy shop window.

Instead of dreaming of Santa, I'm wishing I was one of those important gadget bloggers who get free samples and stuff. But I'm not. Today announced the rumored Kindle 2:

Kindle 2: Amazon's New Wireless Reading Device (Latest Generation)

I love my original Kindle and I use it every day. I think it's the only product I've ever bothered to endorse on this blog, and I look upon the above picture with all the nerd love in the world...

If only affection and loyalty would get me a discount! The $359 price tag is too much for me right now. I guess I'll have to stick to my habit of skipping one or two generations of product releases.

You can look forward to my Kindle 3 review in a year or two.

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