Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Bicycles for Hillary

As 11-year-old Dalton Hatfield set about selling his bicycle and video games, his parents thought he was doing his part to help pay for a family vacation. Instead, he gave that money to Hillary Clinton. And she took it.

Add one more reason why I don't like her. She takes $440 from a kid, and yet her average net worth soared from red ink to $30.7 million between 2000 and 2006, the fastest financial climb among members of Congress who arrived without assets. And she nearly brags about taking this kid's money. I think she's being a bit self-centered.

If she had ethical standards, she would give the money back and tell the boy to save it for college. However, if she does become POTUS (Ha!), maybe she can offer little Dalton Hatfield a seat on the supreme court.

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